Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm back!

Originally uploaded by knitswithasilentk
Did you miss me?

Here are some updates:

My blogcation/vacation was really nice. I visited my mother in Florida and got lots of shopping, lunches, and naps in.

Unfortunately, Golden Knitting Gallery seemed to be mysteriously closed. They had a "July hours" sign and a "50% off everything" sign in the window, and looked like they suddenly closed. There was yarn in bins, there were notions on the table, but the phone was disconnected and no one was there. Too bad; my mother actually expressed interest in maybe learning to knit.

Our kitty, Fred, seems to be much better now. He has successfully used the box and seems a much friendlier, vigorous cat than he had been of late. Some new easy-to-digest food seems to have perked him right up and we're really happy to have our old kitty back.

Knitting? Um....I knit one 40-row repeat on the lace stole while I was traveling. I'll try and take a photo this week, but really - it looks largely the same as before. I'm starting to worry about running out of yarn...but I suppose I can just knit fewer repeats and see how it turns out.

Thanks so much, everyone, for your well-wishes! I really appreciated coming home to all of your comments!

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